To maintain evergreen Nepal-China friendship and also set
the example of “Panchasheel” based relation which could be
beneficial in relation with other countries too.
The objectives are as follows:

1. This institution/organization shall be a non-profit
making people’s welfare oriented.

2. To promote the educational and cultural relationship
existing between Nepal and China.

3. To extend the educational and cultural relationship
between the institution/organization of Nepal and

4. To establish and promote the sister city relationship.

5. To exhibit the programs intending to introduce the
Nepalese and Chinese culture

6. To organize the educational and cultural exhibition
and visit between Nepal and China

7. To express one’s opinion in the mutual interest of both
Nepal and China

8. To facilitate for the economic growth and investment
in agriculture, tourism, hydropower etc.

9. To offer consultation service or mediate for experts’

10. To encourage members and people to participate in
competitions in arts, quizzes, scholarships etc.